My Top Tweets

“How to Find My Top Tweets” is an important thing that everybody likes to know when they want to become an influencer on Twitter. The process of finding top tweets is a lot easier but many people are unfamiliar with this process.

In this article, we’ll first describe the benefits of finding your top tweets and then we’ll move towards the methods you can use to find those tweets. This aspect is particularly designed for social media influencers and businesses that want to keep an eye on their overall performance. We’re pretty sure that you’d be able to improve your Twitter marketing after knowing these details.

Why it’s important to find My Top Tweets?

My Top Tweets

Let’s take a look at the reasons why you should consider finding your top Tweets.

Twitter wouldn’t be a Twitter without a tweet. Tweets are the actual posts you post on Twitter, it’s a form of short message that you can get across on the platform, and that people can react to. Tweets are usually very short, they have a limited number of characters that you can not exceed.  These tweets can be liked, can be retweeted, and can be replied to. Retweets are a way of repeating what other users have tweeted. So, instead of copying and pasting a tweet and indicating the author, with just a click you can replicate their tweets.


Understand your Audience’s Interest

retweetIf you want to achieve success on Twitter or any other social media platform, you should have a clear idea of your Audience’s interests. You can use different methods to keep an eye on what your targeted audience likes to see the most. And finding my Top tweets is a remarkable option you can use to explore the interests of your audience.

Thus, you’d be able to build your future campaign according to recent stats. If you didn’t show interest in what your followers like to hear from you, you’d end up losing a number of followers rather than attracting more followers.

Reuse those Tweets

Reusing old tweets is also very helpful when you’re trying to attract more followers. If you’re retweeting your old tweets without even knowing how much traffic you can generate from these tweets, you’re just wasting your time. Finding my Top Tweets is an incredible option that enables you to choose the tweets that have the potential to get a better response from your audience. Therefore, you should carry out enough research before retweeting your old tweets.

Choose the Most Effective Hashtags

mytoptweetsEverybody understands the effectiveness of hashtags. Therefore, you’d often find people trying different methods to find the most effective hashtags for their campaign. It usually takes plenty of time to find the most accurate hashtags for your campaign.

But what’s the purpose of making so much effort when you can find all the information on your own profile? Simply, take a look at my top tweets, and you can choose the hashtags that can bring your marketing efforts to the next level.

How to find My Top Tweets?

If you want to find your top tweets, you need to visit the analytics page on your Twitter account. You can simply access this page by visiting It’s actually an extension of Twitter that shows you the results for the past month. You can customize these results to get an idea of why a particular tweet received a better response as compared to others.

Usually, the top 10 tweets are displayed on this page but you can extend the results based on your needs. We bet that you’d be able to build a long-term strategy once you’ve figured out your top tweets on Twitter. Also, to read more types of articles like My Top Tweets, click here.

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