Twitter Alerts ▷ 1 Free Daily Alert On Any Topic You Want!

We Help Digital Marketers Track Twitter to improve support without wasting time or money.
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Get the All-Inclusive Twitter Search Tool
that Monitors Twitter 24/7

Online Search

Advanced Search Tools

Use Boolean search operators in your twitter alerts to narrow down your results to just the tweets you want to see. Monitor users, exclude keywords and search for tweets within a specific location or language.


Search History & Digest

Twilert’s search history and email digests allow you to return to the most important tweets from your Twitter alerts anytime you like. Use this on your own account to find and delete retweets and delete twitter likes


Scheduled Alerts

Twilert twitter alerts system captures every tweet to send to you in an email digest, set to your schedule or in realtime. Be first on the scene of breaking news or the first to uncover a huge opportunity for your brand.


User Grouping

Set up multiple users, send Twilerts to predefined email groups and monitor multiple brand accounts or searches simultaneously.

Price Tag


Agency Package allows white-labeling of your business to clients.


Geo Targeting

Laser-target your queries with geo-targeting in our easy-to-target map interface.

See amazing tweets about my content

Twilert Gives You Rapid Responsiveness


Always-On Business Generator

Looking for a PR opportunity for your client, or a new guestposting spot? Want to find new customers for your local business? Twilert helps you use Twitter Search better in order to generate business opportunity.

24 Hours Support

Automated Customer Service

Email alerts sent straight to your inbox ensure that you can react to customer queries quickly, even when they have misspelt or forgotten to tag your handle.


Easy Brand Monitoring

Twilert is the easiest and most reliable way to find out what people are saying about your brand on Twitter. Track handles, names, hashtags and competitors, then respond to customers and join in the conversation.


Makes Search Setup Fast & Easy

Twilert supports even the most unique of Boolean search operators and allows you to enter complex search strings. Or, if you need a little help, our simple tools will take your key terms or handles and create the search for you.


Always Catches Conversations

Twilert captures tweets that even Twitter search can miss. From tweets that contain URLs, to keywords mentioned by verified users, Twilert listens and takes a snapshot of everything in realtime. Ensuring that nothing falls under the radar.


Collects Relevant Social Insights

Twilert is used by Brand managers, product owners, and business operators to capture conversations as they happen for future reference and analysis.


Years in service. Trusted
platform. A decade of usage.


Active twitter alerts active
right now.


Total platform users since 2008.
Proven performance across

Our Features in The Media

Mashable logo

Twilert is a good-looking web-based Twitter app that actually offers general keyword alerts, and can potentially be used as a simplified monitoring tool. But for our purposes, we tested it as an @mention notifier.

Amy Mae Turner, Mashable

tnw logo

Twilert is a new tool for all the buzz monitors out there. The tool, built by Dan Leech and Codegent of the UK , lets you keep track of particular words/terms mentioned on twitter and be notified via email whenever the words/terms are tweeted.

Zee, The Next Web

Addweek logo

An application that allows you to receive regular email updates of tweets containing your brand, product, service, and any other keywords that you want to search on Twitter.

Arnold Zafra, Adweek

Huffpost logo

Parents: Also know there are helpful tools like Twilert to help keep tabs on what’s being said about your little Smurf on Twitter.

Social Smurf, HuffPost

SocialMediaToday logo

It’s easy to track Twitter users who tag your @username in a tweet, but what if they mention you without tagging your @username? Twilert let’s you monitor conversations exclusively within Twitter. You can set up an alert for your brand name (think: “Bloomerang” instead of @BloomerangTech). That way, you can respond to tweets that mention you without using your @username.

Steven Shattuck, Social Media Today

Think Digital First logo

Twilerts is the Google Alerts for Twitter. You can use this tool to set up email alerts based on keywords, hashtags, your business name or any other key information. Use this tool to find out what others are saying about your brand.

Rachel Kelsall, Think Digital First

Inc. logo

Twilert works a lot like a Google Alert except it monitors tweets instead of websites and blogs. Set up keywords or terms and get email alerts whenever those are mentioned on Twitter. It’s an easy way to keep up with conversations and developments regarding your business, competitors, industry, etc.

Jeff Haden (via anonymous influencer),

LAW.COM logo

Get e-mail which alerts you to Twitter conversations that mention you, your firm, your Web site, a client or anything else. Another service that does this is Twilert. Beats having to monitor Twitter’s search page 24/7.

Robert J. Ambrogi,

SocialMediaToday logo

Finding Brand Advocates doesn’t have to be as difficult as it seems either. Twilert, a Twitter monitoring tool, allows you to save the history of anyone who’s ever tweeted about your brand, so that finding the people who tweet often is much easier.

Beth Gladstone, Social Media Today


Fortune 1,000 companies


Universities & Institutions


Non-profit and other

Case Study: Event Marketplace Boosts Business Leads with Twilert


Happier Customers

Pie Cart

Better Engagement


Increased Sales

Before working with Twilert, the Universe team was struggling to take advantage of the vast opportunities that social media offers. In a noisy social media world, Universe found a single tool to cut through the noise and generate revenue from social media. Like many of us, it was hard for Universe to see the true value of social media until they had a tool to help them automate the heavy lifting of lead generation.

Craig Follet, CEO and co-founder of explains, “Our main purposes for using Twilert are to identify new business leads and to improve our customer service response rate. Because we’re the social marketplace for events and power social ticketing, our current and prospective customers constantly use Twitter to seek advice and search opinions related to our industry.”

‘Being able to find new business leads via Twitter and Twilert has enhanced our engagement with prospective customers and has allowed us to keep a strong customer service reputation on Twitter.”

“The ability to respond to questions immediately results in happy customers, an increase in sales, and better engagement on Twitter. Twilert offers many more features that we are looking forward to implementing within our business flows going forward.

…it’s essential for a brand to listen to their customers and be aware of what people are saying in their industry. Many conversations happen on social media platforms such as Twitter and it’s important to be present in those conversations to be able to optimize marketing, sales and engagement initiatives. Using a service like Twilert can help cut through the noise.”

Being able to find new business leads via Twitter (and Twilert) has enhanced our engagement with prospective customers and has allowed us to keep a strong customer service reputation on Twitter.

Craig Follett, Co-founder & CEO

Craig Follett, Co-founder & CEO

Case Study: Kent State Always Hears The Social Voice of 39,000 Students Across 8 Campuses

Data Monitoring

Improved Visibility


Improved Relations


Organizational Efficiency

Kent State University at Trumbull is part of Kent State University’s eight-campus system. It is one of the largest regional systems in the nation so Regional Campus students gain the advantage of an internationally renowned university with the friendly, casual atmosphere of small liberal arts colleges.

Their marketing team was looking for a way to follow the conversation about what was being said about them on Twitter and this prompted them to set up a Twilert account.

Robb King, Marketing Coordinator explains, “We were looking for the ability to gather a comprehensive view of what was being said about our organization by our current and potential students, and other constituencies in order to answer their questions about programs, services and other matters related to our campus.”

Twilert has allowed us to open direct channels of communications with those that may not have otherwise voiced a concern, opinion or question to a faculty or staff member, because of not knowing where to go, or who to speak with…

Without hesitation, I would highly recommend Twilert. It does the work that most of us don’t have the time to do in gathering what is being said about our institutions in one place, allowing for an easy review of each day’s posts. Not only is it a great resource for that review and research, but it is also a great way to engage and communicate, thereby showing your followers you are indeed listening.”

Twilert has allowed us to open direct channels of communication with those who may not have otherwise voiced a concern, opinion or question because of not knowing where to go or who to speak to.

Robb King, Marketing Coordinator, Kent State University

Robb King, Marketing Coordinator, Kent State University

Case Study: Consultant Continuously Generates Speaking Engagements & Revenue Opportunities


Rapid Growth

Conversion Rate

More Direct Leads


Increased Referrals

Intranet Future is a social media consultancy that provides strategy, consultancy and training to businesses, charities and the public sector. Their goal is to teach businesses how to use social media to provide measurable benefits, for example, increasing website visitors and sales or the amount of funds raised by a charity.

Jonathan Pollinger, a social media consultant at Intranet Future, regularly speaks at conferences and networking events, providing information on the latest social media developments. He uses Twilert as a way of obtaining leads for Intranet Future and for business members of We Are Cheltenham, a business and social community that he owns.

“Twilert has helped me to grow my Intranet Future business and is now helping We Are Cheltenham business members from to grow theirs. As well as direct leads which I generate through searches e.g. ‘Can anyone recommend a social media speaker?’

It’s also great for finding opportunities where I can help other users and show my expertise, for examples on questions like “should I use Pinterest to promote my jewellery business?”

I find the Geolocation filter in Twilert very useful. My business and that of our members is very much centred around Gloucestershire so it’s great to be able to filter by such a specific location.

Jonathan Pollinger, Social Media Consultant, Intranet Future

Jonathan Pollinger, Social Media Consultant, Intranet Future

Twilert Twitter Alerts Testimonials

Thanks for making an easy, useful tool! Yeah it was pretty helpful when we hit front apage of Hackernews.

Paul Fawkesley, Co-Founder FluidKeysPaul Fawkesley, Co-Founder FluidKeys

Paul Fawkesley, Co-Founder FluidKeys

I love Twilert, been with you since free beta days…. I’d rather remain an anonymous testimonial. I use your service to make people think I’m on Twitter all the time, and don’t want my competitors to know about my secret sauce, so to speak….

An Anonymous HealthCare Marketer

Twilert saves me a LOT of time by sending me an email every day of potential clients I can contact to offer my products and services to. It truly is an invaluable tool! They are very responsive to questions and suggestions too.

Iain Meddicks

The Twilert system and team have been great! The Twilert system has been a great asset to me and means I can easily identify competition and users that are in need of our services.

David Roberts

Thanks to Twilert we are more aware of what people are saying about our new product Oriboo and our company. It is a great product!

Karl Petter Åkesson, MovintoFun AB

Get Your Twitter Alerts Campaign Maximized!

You don’t want to waste your own or your team’s time learning, implementing, and optimizing a new tool like Twilert.

Not sure how to set up alerts for maximum effectiveness?
Do you need some guidance?

We’ve helped thousands of businesses and people build alert campaigns to generate leads, gain brand insight, and almost any other possible business need.

We’ll build the biggest, baddest, most effective alert campaign for you!

Try now
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Lighting Fast Resolution

We’ll answer fast, and resolve your issue as quickly as any support team you’ve experienced.

Public Health

Real Human Help

Our goal is to facilitate your success with real interactions on escalations


Account Access

We can log into your account for you and fix any issue you’re seeing in the application.


Custom Video Walkthroughs

We’ll show you exactly how to resolve your issue with quick helpful videos that we make specifically for you

“Twiler’s Support is unmatched!”

A recent customer had an issue with alerts not functioning as expected. Within minutes we had his alerts back up and running, generating leads for his WordPress consulting business. We love you to Tristan!

Resolved, Twilert’s support is unmatched!
— Tristan (@Tristang93) May 17, 2019