Twitter Follower Stats

You can never underestimate the importance of Twitter Follower Stats if you’re running a business account on Twitter.

Every business wants to improve its followers on Twitter and they use different strategies to achieve their goals.

But most of the businesses are often found complaining that they aren’t getting proper results according to their efforts.

That’s because these businesses don’t keep an eye on their existing followers.

Yes, growing followers is important for achieving success but it’s not the only important thing.

You need to engage with your followers and stay updated with their interests to make sure you’re providing them with the most appropriate content.

Twitter bots pay serious attention to the engagement rate when showing your account details to the users.

Therefore, you must regularly check the Twitter Follower Stats to monitor your performance on Twitter.

Importance of Monitoring Twitter Follower Stats

Let’s dive into the details of the benefits you can get by regularly monitoring Twitter Follower Stats.

Improve your Engagement Rate

As we’ve mentioned, the engagement rate is one of the most important factors Twitter bots use to define your rank for certain keywords.

If you have a huge number of ghost followers that just disappeared after following you, it’s not a good sign for your Twitter account.

These followers aren’t finding anything interesting in your content or they’ve followed so many accounts that they can’t see your posts during the time they usually spend on Twitter.

You need to find these ghost followers using Twitter Follower Stats and then try some ways to build engagement with these followers.

If you regularly started engaging with the ghost followers, Twitter bots will start showing your posts to these individuals regularly.

Find new followers

When you’re monitoring the activities of your followers on Twitter, you can easily find the like-minded people that are regularly interacting with them on Twitter.

These individuals can be your potential customers and you can start engaging with them to grow your presence.

There is a major chance that these individuals aren’t aware of your presence on Twitter.

So, once they came to know about your business, they’d definitely explore your profile and they will buy different items from you if they liked your products.

Say Goodbye to Inactive Followers

Now, this is a painful thing that nobody ever likes doing.

What’s the benefit of making so many efforts to get the followers when we’re going to delete them after a few weeks?

You need to understand that the inactive followers are damaging your reputation on Twitter and you can’t just stick to them.

If there are any inactive followers on your profile, you must eliminate them from your list as soon as possible.

These followers aren’t just damaging your organic ranking but they can be a serious risk for you if their account got hacked.

Therefore, it’s wise enough to keep an eye on Twitter Follower Stats so you may delete them from your follower list before they become a risk for you.