Twitter Search Alerts

Twitter Search Alerts : What they are

Many things that matter to you happen on Twitter all day, but time is running out.

Twitter helps automate the twitter search alerts process.

Do not miss these important tweets that occur when you work, sleep, or get busy.

Understanding how to optimize your alert campaigns first.

Use Twitter’s powerful search feature to search the entire Twittersphere for unique instances of terminology, discussions, and mentions can be very valuable for your business.

However, there are some caveats to Twitter’s standard functionality. It cannot be truly automated out of the box. You need to manually search every time you want updated information

Twitter Search Alerts
Twitter Search Alerts

Staying on top of your Twitter feed does not mean searching for the same keyword’s multiple times a day.

With this Twitter Pushback, Twilert will allow you to be alerted as soon as someone tweets about your interests.

Whenever your search terms are mentioned on Twitter, this will automatically send you a pushover notification containing the content of the tweet and any poster information you need!

Twitter Search Alerts  – How it works

A new tweet with special terms is posted on Twitter. Twilert automatically sends you a Pushover notification
What do you need

    1. Twitter account
    2. Twilert account
    3. An Idea of what you want to monitor
    4. Terms You want to monitor
    5. Accounts or Users you want to track
    6. The geo-location or place to limit tweets to

What Are Twitter Search Alerts?

Twilert is your personal Twitter assistant designed to find and broadcast the most important tweets for you.

Use Twilert to make your own tweet alerts, saving your countless hours on Twitter.

Create Personalized Alerts Based on Your Criteria

Would you like to find customers who talk about your service?

Do you want to use Twitter better to find new prospects?

Finding new prospects isn’t the only option. Alerts can be set up for anything from market signal twitter alerts to brand monitoring.

You can do the following:

  • Search Twitter by Account
  • Search Twitter by Email with Twitter Email Search
  • Search Tweets by Date
  • Search Tweets by Geolocation

Using our smart and sophisticated platform, you set the rules and tell us which tweets you want to search, using a wide range of possible targeting options, such as tweeting with Relevant keywords, users tweeting from certain places, tweets pointing to your website, and many more!

Manage Your Twitter Search Alerts Easily

There are many ways to use Twilert to discover opportunities for all aspects of your business.

That’s why we’ve simplified the management of all your alerts in one place. Create new alerts or edit existing alerts in an easy-to-use tweet alert dashboard.


Twitter Search Alerts

Consult your calendar and adapt to Tweets at different times of the month.

Twilert records the history of your tweet alerts, allowing you to view and edit these important tweets whenever and wherever you want.

Receive Automated Emails Based on the Criteria You Personalize

When Twilert finds tweets matching your criteria, we’ll send you an email to always let you know if you choose to receive real-time updates, daily or weekly.

There may be many cases in your business where you have employees spending time running twitter search alerts on a daily basis.

Assuming they are doing this search manually on twitter for Alerts, they are wasting time.

Using a tool like Twilert will save you or your employees hundreds of hours per year.

You can use that time to generate more revenue generating projects instead of wasting it on manually searching.

For Twilert, we allow companies to set up alerts for when their brand shows up in Twitter’s search.

That means when anyone tweets about your product, you can see it in a management system where you can log the data and take valuable actions.

This is invaluable to our over 30,000 customers in the past 10 years.