How to Read Old Tweets

Do you find it hard to find your crazy jokes your tweeted years ago? Or are you worried about your old tweets that might affect your privacy?

Not a problem, there are easy you can fully grasp how to read old tweets.

Easy Ways On How to Read Old Tweets

There is no need for you to scroll through your Twitter feeds manually for several hours.

For sure, you have hundreds or even thousands of tweets from the date you decided to join the Twitter world, so manual scrolling is never a good idea.

In this guide, your question on how to read old tweets will be answered. Using straightforward methods, the process so much easier. So, let’s start!

Learn how to read old tweets with Twitter Search Operators

You can use the Twitter Advanced Search the following way:

  1. logging into your Twitter account and going to the advanced search page. While you are using the advanced search of Twitter, you can notice a blue bar which is located at the top of the search result page.
  2. The strings of text you can find inside the blue bar is called “search operators.” these strings can be used to have an advanced direct search in Twitter’s search box. There is no need for you to visit the advanced search page.
  3. There are several ways on how Twitter will let you read old tweets, including:
    In the Twitter search, type “from: username” to return all your tweets you sent by @username
    In the Twitter search, type “since: yyyy-mm-dd” to return all your tweets you sent since yyyy-mm-dd
    In the Twitter search, type “until: yyyy-mm-dd” to return all your tweets you sent until yyyy-mm-dd

Use Apps to understand how to read old tweets

If you discover how to read old tweets on one page, you can use an app to make this happen.

Meaning, you do not need to download the entire archive since everything you want to see in your timeline can be delivered in one place.

AllMyTweets app can help you read your older tweets with ease. Go to and use your Twitter account to sign in. Then, enter the username you want to read older tweets for.

Although it will take you some moments to finally read old tweets depending on the number of tweets posted, AllyMyTweets is effective for generating a complete list of each tweet you have sent.

You can read all your tweets on one web page in a chronological order.

At the top of the page, you can use the checkboxes for hiding either the retweets or the replies.

Please take note that you need to be careful each time you are loading a huge number of tweets.

That is because AllMyTweets starts over from the top whenever you are checking or unchecking the box.

Now that you already have the idea on how to read old tweets, make sure that you know which tweet you are looking for.

By doing so, you can make the process faster, and you do not need to start from scratch.