How to See Someones Old Tweets

Twitter is one of the famous social media apps that many people are using it. Twitter is an online social networking and American online news.

The users tend to post and interact with other people through messaging, mainly known as tweeting.

If you’re learning how to see someones old tweets, we are going to cover it in this article

People use Twitter to share their thoughts, to gain attention, self-promotion for their websites, and some are boredom and like to scroll on the twitter.

You can also be updated on the news and even in sorts and everything you want to be informed on by following their twitter accounts.

Twitter is easy to use, and you can easily create an account if you don’t have one. Once you successfully open your account.

When you are on the home page, you will see a rectangular which has a sentence written inside that What’s happening?

You can click on it, and then you can start to create your tweet. Tweets are the messages posted on Twitter, and it has a limit of 280 characters per tweet.

The person who follows you is the ones who will see your post.

You can also find some interesting people by just following them. If you want to be updated to your favorite celebrity about his or her posts, you can follow their official twitter accounts.

If you don’t like someone, then you can also click the unfollow button on their account so that you will no longer any post from the person.

How to see someones old tweets

twime machine for someones old tweets
Open up Twime machine and set an account
  • If you want to see old tweets by a certain person then here are the different ways to locate it Such as”
  • Typing a word or phrases that are the words that the post you used to find in the search box.
  • Use a date range, if you remember for what specific date the tweet was so that you can find it.
  • Use an advanced Twitter search – these are the third party apps that it will help you find the specific tweets that you are looking.
  • You can also use the Twitter advanced search. You need to go first to the search engine and type the search-advanced.
  • You need to key in your username into the ‘from this account’ which is under the ‘people’
  • use the calendar section to enter the date of the tweet that you are looking.
  • That’s it, now you should understand how to see someones old tweets

how to see someones old tweetsIf you want to look for an old post of someone, you can use these tips that are written above. I hope that you can find the older tweet that you want to see and enjoy.

Learning how to see someones old tweets takes time, so you need to put your time and effort in doing this.

But if you don’t want, you can also use the third party search engine, and they will be the one who will find it for you.

Whether you want to find a post or you want to post a tweet, you need always to remember to think before you post. Sharing your thoughts to everyone is okay but not that too much.