Even if you’ve been using Twitter (now X) for business, things change fast, and staying in the loop is key. The platform is always evolving, so it’s important to keep your strategy fresh and up to date.

For B2B marketers, most of the advice out there is often geared toward B2C, which doesn’t always hit the mark for their needs. That’s why we’ve pulled together some practical tips that actually work for Twitter B2B marketing.

From this post, you will learn how you can use X to connect with the right people in your industry, from potential clients to key decision-makers. We’ll also cover how to keep your content relevant and engaging without getting lost in the noise.

Whether you’ve been using Twitter for some years or you’re just figuring it out for your business, we’ve got you covered with tips that can help you get noticed and build connections that matter.

What to Tweet to a B2B Audience on X

Talking to a B2B audience on Twitter (or X) can feel like a juggling act. You want to promote your business, but you also need to keep people interested, especially when they’re busy marketing their own stuff. 

So how do you keep them engaged without sounding like a broken record?

Here’s a simple rule of thumb: Aim for 70% of your tweets to be useful, and keep the self-promotion to 30%. 

In other words, spend most of your time sharing tips, insights, or anything that helps your audience do their job better. The rest? That’s when you talk about your products, share testimonials, or drop a link to your latest blog post.

10 Tips for Optimizing B2B Marketing at Twitter (X)

Here’s a breakdown of how to make your tweets actually worth reading:

Share Stuff People Care About 

Find and share genuinely helpful content. 

If you’re in tech, post a link to a new study or report that your audience will appreciate

For example, you can add a quick comment like, “Think you’re up to speed on the latest AI trends? Check this recent report from Gartner: [link].”

AI software trends by Gartner Digital Markets

This is similar to what companies like GE do—they keep their audience engaged by sharing content that’s both relevant and insightful.

Simple, right?

Make It Visual 

Let’s be honest, a tweet with just text can be a snooze fest. 

Spice things up with images, videos, or even GIFs. Show off a product, share a quick customer success story, or create a short explainer video. 

For example, you can share a creative pic or a short vid highlighting a new product or a customer success story, like Adobe does with their visuals to keep people interested while sharing company updates. 

Adobe tweet with creative image with products logo

People love visuals, and it makes your tweets way more engaging. Just skip the generic stock photos—use custom visuals that really connect with your brand’s message instead.

Run Some Offers

Just because you’re in B2B doesn’t mean you can’t throw out some deals. 

Offer something that actually benefits your audience, like a discount on a service or early access to a webinar

Samsung Twitter Marketing post example

Here’s an idea of a quick tweet:

“Get 20% off our latest SaaS product! Limited time offer: [link].”

Giving discounts or early access to valuable content is a great way to get people more involved and get more leads. Just like in those B2B campaigns that mix promotions with content people actually find useful.

Talk About What’s Happening

Keep your finger on the pulse of your industry. 

If there’s big news, don’t just retweet it—add your take

Something like, “What do you think of [Company’s] latest move in AI? Could it change the game? Let’s talk about it.”

Intel marketing post on X

Sharing your thoughts on industry news, like Intel does, can help spark engagement and show that your brand is a go-to source for insights.

Jump X Spaces

Twitter’s real strength is real-time conversation. Use it. 

If there’s a trending topic in your industry, jump in with your thoughts. For example, you can join X Spaces and start your own

Create X Space for marketing possibilities

How do you join a live session?

Once you’re logged in on your phone, tap your profile picture in the top right corner. From there, tap ‘Spaces,’ and you’ll be able to explore live Spaces and even check out upcoming ones. If you’re looking for something specific, just use the Search bar to find it.

Share live updates, respond to others, and show you’re active and in the know.

Join industry-related X chats, share live updates, and connect with peers. Being part of real-time conversations shows you’re active and know your stuff in the industry.

Use Hashtags, But Don’t Overdo It

Hashtags help people find your tweets, but keep them relevant. 

Use them strategically to get your content in front of the right people. Look at what hashtags your competitors are using, or do a quick search to find popular ones in your industry

To get the most out of hashtags on X (Twitter) for B2B marketing, here are some up-to-date options based on 2024 trends:


  • #business: A go-to for reaching a broad business crowd.
  • #digitalmarketing: Perfect for content focused on online marketing tactics.
  • #entrepreneur and #entrepreneurship: Great for connecting with startups and business leaders.
  • #smallbusiness and #startup: Essential for tapping into the small business and startup world.
  • #finance and #investment: Ideal for engaging with financial pros and business investment discussions.


  • #socialmediamarketing: Best for posts on social media strategies.
  • #contentmarketing and #SEOtips: Target marketers looking to boost content and SEO.
  • #B2Bmarketing: Right on point for B2B-focused strategies.
  • #branding: Use this when talking about brand development and strategy.


  • #technology and #tech: Perfect for general tech topics.
  • #AI and #artificialintelligence: Stay in the loop with AI trends.
  • #cybersecurity and #innovation: Dive into cutting-edge tech and security talks.
  • #coding and #programming: Connect with developers and tech enthusiasts.


  • #edtech: Specifically for education technology.
  • #learning and #education: Broad tags for engaging with educators and learners.
  • #science and #knowledge: Great for sharing educational content and promoting scientific discussions.

Social Change:

  • #socialgood and #EcoFriendly: Perfect for sustainability and corporate responsibility conversations.
  • #volunteer and #cause: Great for engaging in social impact and volunteer discussions.

Using these can help you reach the right audience and stay current with your industry trends. Read our guide about twitter hashtag trends to use hashtag more effective for b2b marketing.

Here’s a quick example:

“Excited to share insights at #TechSummit2024! Join the conversation: [link].”

Twitter hashtag #TechSummit2024!

You can also join niche communities to talk shop with others in your industry. It’s not just about visibility; it’s about staying connected with people who matter.

Strengthen Your Relationships

Don’t just focus on new followers—make sure you’re engaging with the ones you already have. 

Fo example, you can stay connected with your customers by replying to their tweets, just like Dell does with their dedicated support feeds.

Dell responds to its customers' tweets

Also, if you’ve got a CRM (Customer Relation Management), you can use it to find your customers on X and give them a follow. It’s another way to stay on their radar and build that relationship.

Stay Organized with Lists

Use the search bar to find lists related to your industry. 

X search list

This gives you a ready-made group of influencers to follow. 

SaaS search list on X

Or you can discover new lists.

Suggested lists on twitter

You can also create private lists of key customers or industry influencers

How to create a new search list on X

Check in on their tweets regularly. 

You can also check out the lists that your competitors or industry leaders are following or have created—it’s a great way to discover influencers you might have overlooked. 

And if you want to dig even deeper, Twitter tools like BuzzSumo or Followerwonk can help you find the right influencers.

This way, you’ll get a sense of what they’re talking about and what’s important to them, which can spark ideas for your own content.

Partner Up

Start by interacting with other users regularly. 

This means more than just liking or retweeting; jump into conversations and offer genuine insights. Industry associations and boards can be valuable for expanding your reach. If they retweet your content, you’re suddenly in front of a much bigger audience. 

Tip: make a list of your brand advocates—the people who frequently share your content. These are the relationships you want to nurture.

Think about collaborating with industry influencers or partnering with complementary businesses. 

Working together on content or co-marketing can help you reach new audiences and build credibility naturally, without overcomplicating things.

That’s actually what Northbeam, a platform that uses ML (machine learning) to power advertising attribution, did with their influencer campaign to enhance B2B marketing. 

Northbeam example of influencer campaign on twitter for b2b marketing

Working together can help you reach a bigger audience and build more credibility.

Lastly, and most importantly, be consistent

Stick to your brand’s voice, and don’t try to be something you’re not. People appreciate authenticity, and that’s what will keep them coming back for more.

With a mix of helpful content, smart promotions, and active engagement, X can become more than a place for tweets—it can be a real powerhouse for your Twitter marketing strategy.

Holding Competitions for a B2B Audience

Competitions in the B2B space aren’t as straightforward as in B2C. 

Businesses often need to validate their participation, and not every company can retweet or respond as freely as individual consumers. But that doesn’t mean competitions aren’t effective—it just means you need to tweak your approach.

Remember, the person running the company’s Twitter account might not be the one making the buying decisions. So, think about prizes that would benefit the entire company, not just the individual. 

Discounts on your services, access to premium content, or even something as simple as a lunch delivered to the office can go a long way. Anything that makes the person behind the account look good to their boss is a win.

When you run a competition, make sure it ties back to your business goals. 

Don’t just give something away for the sake of it. Use the competition to drive traffic to your website, collect email addresses, or get valuable feedback.

Here’s a quick example of how you might format a competition tweet for B2B:

  • Existing Customers: “Want 50% off your subscription next month? Here’s how: [link].”
  • New Customers: “Sign up for our newsletter, and you could win lunch for your team this Friday! Full details here: [link].”

Tailoring your competition to your audience’s needs can make all the difference.

Monitoring and Reviewing Your Twitter (X) Strategy

No one can be on X 24/7, so setting up monitoring tools is a must. Use tools like Twilert to keep tabs on keywords, hashtags, competitors, and mentions related to your brand. 

Twilert alerts for competitors tweets

Set aside a specific time each day to review these alerts and respond promptly. It’s an easy way to stay on top of conversations without being glued to your screen all day.

Engagement doesn’t end with posting. Regularly review your tweets to see what’s working. 

Pay attention to what gets the most clicks, retweets, or replies. Twitter’s character limit can make it tricky, but a well-worded tweet can make a huge difference.

Experiment with different formats—ask a question, use a quote, or add a call to action.

For example, instead of just saying, “New post on the Power of Twitter Monitoring: [link],” try something more engaging like, “Want better ROI on X? Learn how monitoring can make a difference: [link].” 

Or you can use a stat to grab attention, like, “Did you know 57% of customers use X for business? Find out why monitoring matters: [link].

Incorporating real-time engagement is key. 

Twitter’s strength lies in its ability to connect you with timely conversations. Jump into discussions that matter to your industry and don’t be afraid to start your own. It’s all about showing that your brand is active, informed, and ready to engage.

Final Thoughts

Using Twitter for B2B marketing is first of all about creating connections, staying current, and always refining your approach.

Whether you’re networking, running competitions, or tracking your progress, everything you do on X should move you closer to your business goals. 

Keep trying new things, be flexible, and most importantly, keep the conversation alive.