Search Twitter by Location

In this article, we’re going to share crazy information about how you can search Twitter by location.

There are certain methods you can use to find results for a specific location. Usually, we need to search Twitter by location when we’re searching for a friend’s profile. But some people use this feature to find tweets about an event that took place in a specific location.

For instance, if a Journalist wants to find information about a place, he can use this information to find his desired results. Similarly, if you’re looking for restaurant and hotel recommendations in an area, this information can be very helpful for you.

The tendency of those who believe in the usefulness of technology is to be a constant cheerleader. They’ve learned this tactic because there exists an opposition group: the naysayers.

Between the cheerleaders and the naysayers there can be incredibly valuable information. But if we leave it to the cheerleaders the chance exists that we will overestimate or simply believe in technology press releases. And if we leave it to the naysayers we will not try anything new or make new discoveries.


How to Search Twitter by Location?

We’ll start with the most common method that people usually use to search tweets for a specific location. And then we’ll take a look at the advanced methods that can be helpful in this regard. So, let’s take a look at the details.Twitter by location

Change the Trends

The common method that many people use to search for tweets from a specific location is that they change the location of trends from the trends section. Almost all the popular countries and cities are mentioned on this list. When you choose a location, Twitter starts showing popular trends from that location.

Journalists usually use this feature to stay aware of top news stories of a city or country. The problem with this feature is that it only shows the top 20 trends of that area. And you cannot use it to find a friend, a hotel, or a restaurant.

Find Tweets from your area

You might be thinking that it’s also the same method we’ve mentioned above. But it’s a bit different. In this method, you need to search for a keyword or the name of a person you’re looking to find on Twitter. Click on the search button and wait for the results. Once the results appear on your screen, you need to find the Location box that appears at the top right of the search page.Search Twitter by Location

Twitter normally shows you results from all over the world when you search for something. You can click on “Near You” in this box to search Twitter by location. This feature is usually helpful when you’re looking to find a friend or anything else in your own location.

Twitter Advanced Search

Now, this is where the real magic starts. This feature enables you to search Twitter by Location without putting any restrictions. So, you can now search for any Twitter profile or recommendations for the different places while sitting at your home. Simply, open the advanced search feature and add the keywords you’re looking to explore.

Search the Globe

Now, choose the location from the location box and hit the search button. You’d find your desired results within a few seconds.

Use the code to Search Twitter by Location

Twitter also allows you to use a code when you’re trying to find something in a particular location. Here is the code you can use to find the results

Hotel near:California within:10mi

This code will show you tweets that are published within 10 miles of California for different hotels. You can change the keyword, Location, and the limit of the area to search Twitter by location.


SO that’s all about it. There you have everything that you need to know how on earth can you Search Twitter by Location and what are its techniques to complete these tasks.  Also, in order to handle this operation, you must know that you have to set up the setting of search in the search filter and you can find any tweet relating to the profound location. Also, if you love to read more articles like this one, simply click on this link here.

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